Machelle Zinn
Benefits Coordinator
Phone: 580-255-0686
Fax: 580-252-2453

Welcome to Duncan Public Schools!
As a new employee, you will have 30 days from the date of your employment to enroll in benefit coverage. After the 30 days, you are required to wait until the annual option/open enrollment period in October. Enrollment during the October period will have an effective date of January 1. Employees are not automatically enrolled in coverage, the employee must enroll on his or her own. The insurance office at DPS Central Office is available to help with the enrollment process by appointment.
DPS will pay employee health, dental, & vision coverage with a completed benefit enrollment form. The employee is responsible for paying for additional coverage such as life insurance and all health benefits for family members.
To make mid-year changes after your coverage is active, you must have a qualifying event and the change must be made within 30 days of the qualifying event.
If eligible, employees who do not enroll in the health coverage will receive a monthly in-lieu of payment. Certified employees’ in-lieu of benefit is $69.71 per month. Support employees’ in-lieu of benefit is $189.69 per month.