Acronym | Meaning |
ACCESS | Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State |
AMAO | Annual Measureable Achievement Objective |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BICS | Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills |
CAL | Center for Applied Linguistics |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency |
D2L | Desire 2 Learn |
DBE | Developmental Bilingual Education |
ELD | English Language Development |
ELL | English Language Learner (Same as LEP) |
ELP | English Language Proficiency |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages |
FELL | Former English Language Learner (Equal to 1st and 2nd Year Proficient) |
FEP | Fluent English Proficient |
HLS | Home Language Survey |
IFEP | Initially Fluent English Proficient |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
IPT | IDEA Proficiency Test (Used Before the ACCESS for ELLs) |
L1 | Primary Language, First Language, Heritage Language, Native Language, or Home Language |
L2 | Second Language |
LA | Language Arts (1 of the 5 WIDA ELP Standards) |
LAS | Language Assessment Scale (Used Before the ACCESS for ELLs) |
LCD | Linguistically and Culturally Diverse |
LEA | Local Educational Agency |
LEP | Limited English Proficient (Same as ELL) |
MA | Math (1 of the 5 WIDA ELP Standards) |
MPI | Model Performance Indicator |
NABE | The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress |
NCELA | National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NELL | Non-English Language Learners (English-Only Students) |
NEP | Non-English Proficient |
NRT | Norm-Referenced Test |
OCCT | Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test |
OCR | Office of Civil Rights |
OELA | Office of English Language Acquisition |
OGET | Oklahoma General Education Test |
OPTE | Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination |
OSAT | Oklahoma Subject Area Test |
PASS | Priority Academic Student Skills |
PLC | Parent Leadership Council |
SC | Science (1 of the 5 WIDA ELP Standards) |
SDAIE | Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English |
SEA | State Educational Agency |
SEI | Structured English Immersion |
SI | Social and Instructional (1 of the 5 WIDA ELP Standards) |
SIOP | Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol |
SS | Social Studies (1 of the 5 WIDA ELP Standards) |
T3BR | Title III Biennial Report |
TBE | Transitional Bilingual Education |
TESL | Teaching English as a Second Language |
TESOL | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
TPR | Total Physical Response |
TWBI | Two-way Bilingual Education |
TWI | Two-way Immersion |
W-APT or WIDA ACCESS Placement Test | World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners Placement Test |
WIDA | World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment |