Board of Education

Dr. Channa Byerly, Superintendent

Our 5 member board is comprised of dedicated individuals who truly have the district's children, parents, and staff's best interests at heart. Serving 5-year terms and devoting countless hours beyond their customary commitments Duncan is fortunate to have the benefit of their service.

The Board must operate under all state and federal statutes while being sensitive to the needs of the local community. Our members foster open communication between parents, students, and faculty of the district with the goal of achieving our ultimate purpose: educating children to the fullest.

We encourage you to communicate with our school board utilizing this site.

Eligibility to run for office of the Duncan Public Schools Board of Education:

  • Live in the area defined by the office in question for at least 6 months

  • Be a registered voter at the address for at least 6 months

  • Have a high school diploma

  • Not be employed or closely related to someone employed by the school district

 The filing period for running for office is typically early December before a February election.

 For more detailed information please contact:

Stephens County Election Board, 1075 W. Elm Ave. (580) 255-8782