Reminder 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students: Deadline to apply for the National Honor Society is Monday, March 10th!
13 days ago, Chisholm Holland
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
Here is The Demon for this week!
17 days ago, Lisha Elroy
Duncan Public Schools will be closed 2/20/2025. This will be a closure, not a virtual day. Below is a statement from our superintendent Dr. Channa Byerly. For any question, please reach out at
28 days ago, Chisholm Holland
everyday matters
everyday matters
Interested in Concurrent Enrollment?
28 days ago, Lisha Elroy
concurrent enrollment
Due to the anticipated inclement weather, Duncan Public Schools will be going to virtual learning on Tuesday, February 18th, and Wednesday, February 19th. Any assignment or course work will be administered directly from each students teacher. Stay safe and warm Duncan.
30 days ago, Chisholm Holland
everyday matters
Have a great long weekend! Here is The Demon for next week!
about 1 month ago, Lisha Elroy
Here is The Demon for this week!
about 2 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Duncan Public Schools will be closed due to inclement weather on Friday, January 10th, 2025. Stay safe and warm. #ItsAlwaysAGreatDayToBeADuncanDemon
2 months ago, Chisholm Holland
School Closure - 1/10/2025
Due to incoming inclement weather, Duncan Public Schools will be closed on January 9th, 2025. Stay safe and warm.
2 months ago, Chisholm Holland
Every Day Matters!
Semester Test Information!
3 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Test information
Test information
Here is The Demon! Have a great week!
3 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Semester Test Information!
3 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Semester Test Info
Semester Test info
Concurrent students- If you have am 8 am and/or a 9:30 class tomorrow morning Please check your blackboard for any information from your professor. US. HISTORY AND COMMUNICATIONS- you are responsible to zoom in to your class. I will be sending you the code ASAP. Please stay home and be safe. Classes will resume at 10:00 am tomorrow morning. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!! Thank you, Mrs. Cook
4 months ago, Chisholm Holland
Update for Bus riders of delayed start on 11/18/2024 -
4 months ago, Chisholm Holland
UPDATE FOR 11/18/2024
4 months ago, Chisholm Holland
Attention parents of high school wrestlers!
4 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Senior meeting next week!
4 months ago, Chisholm Holland
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
There is tons of stuff going on for Senior week! Mark your calendars! Details below!
5 months ago, Chisholm Holland
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
#AttendanceWorks #EveryDayMatters
Remember, Tuesday October 29 is Pre-ACT and ACT test day for 9th-11th grades! Seniors will have a virtual day. Here is The Demon for this week!
5 months ago, Lisha Elroy
Fall Break is upon us! Have a great short week! Here is The Demon.
5 months ago, Lisha Elroy